SAMUEL WILLIAM BRANDO SOLAVIDE SILITONGA Samuel William Brandon Solavide Silitonga or commonly called Samuel / Sam by people around him, his hobby is sports and traveling. Samuel was born in the city of Jakarta (Graha Medika Hospital - Kebun Jeruk) on April 23, 2002, from Rabudi David Silitonga and Masdiana Lilis Veronika. Samuel had an older sister named Maylisda Frisca Elenor Solagracia or in Maylisda's usual name, currently her sister is studying around Depok.
He first entered school in 2005 - 2006 (playgroup) in Santa Angelina Ciledug. Then after graduating to Manna Ciledug Kindergarten (TK), in 2008 Samuel entered Elementary School at SDK Santa Angelina Ciledug, graduated from elementary school further to Sang Timur Ciledug Middle School, and currently Samuel is studying at PSKD 1 High School Jakarta. in this high school he participated in Basketball extracurricular activities.
In 2006 Samuel was left forever by Mr., at that time Samuel was 4 years old, while his mother was a private employee in the Central Jakarta area. This Batak man lives in his neighbor's house (Grandfather / Grandma) who is in the area of Ciledug - Tanggerang.
Samuel is currently 11th grade in PSKD 1 High School, with the hope that after graduating from high school he can go to college, so he can lower his mother's burden, Samuel has a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, because if it is achieved he can
help his extended family.